Jannali Public School

Inspiring lifelong learners.

Telephone02 9528 9315


21st century learning

"To cope with the demands of the 21st century, people need to know more than the core subjects. They need to know how to use their knowledge and skills by thinking critically, applying knowledge to new situations, analysing information, comprehending new ideas, communicating, collaborating, solving problems, making decisions." - Partnership for 21st Century Skills


21st century skills for Australian students

Our students compete on a global stage and they need new skills to prepare them for further study and jobs - many of which have not yet been created. They need skills we call the 4Cs: creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking.

The rate of change in technology and in society is so rapid that to prepare young people to live, work and be successful in the 21st century, they will need the ability to think both creatively and critically, problem-solve and work collaboratively.

Technology at Jannali Public School

Interactive whiteboards

All classes are equipped with interactive whiteboard technology. These resources are invauable in their contributions to student engagement, student learning and discovery. 


Computer lab

With a large number of networked computers all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have access to the latest technology. This includes internet and intranet access where students can search the world for information or publish their work on our secure intranet. Recently installed, our wireless upgrade has allowed for the incorporation of iPads and chromebooks into daily learning activities.



A class set of Apple iPads have been implemented into the classrooms and they have the ability to be used across all Key Learning Areas. Innovative apps are being updated and installed on a regular basis to keep up with the demand of new and exciting ways to learning. 
