Jannali Public School

Inspiring lifelong learners.

Telephone02 9528 9315


Jannali Public School has an active P&C Association consisting of parents, teachers and interested citizens who work together to promote the interests of the school and the children who attend the school. Meetings are held at 7pm in the school staffroom on the Tuesday of Week 3 and 7 of each term. Everyone is welcome to attend.

2020 P&C dates are:

Term 1:

Week 3: 11 February 2020 - Annual General Meeting and first P&C meeting

Week 7: 10 March 2020

Term 2:

Week 3: 12 May 2020

Week 7: 9 June 2020

Term 3:

Week 3: 4 August 2020

Week 7: 1 September 2020

Term 4:

Week 3: 27 October 2020

Week 7: 24 November 2020

2020 P&C Committee:

President – Julie Robinson

Vice President - Holly Smith and Janelle Argue 

Secretary – Cathryn Walker

Treasurer – Kaylene Pring

Committee Members:

Fundraising Coordinators - Kate King, Mark Bailey

Uniform Shop - Rachelle Gibbons

Canteen – Kaylene Pring

BASC Subcommittee Convenor - Janelle Argue

Jannali Rangers – Helen Wenham

General Members – Simon Argue, Kris Harrison, Timothy Litton, Liz Delfs, Val Cullen, Jen Chambers, Maria Miriklis, Denise Lai.

P and C Documents

JPS P&C Constitution (docx 102 KB)

P&C By Laws (docx 97 KB)


AGM minutes 11.02.20

minutes 11.02.20

minutes 10.03.20

minutes 08.04.20

minutes 12.05.20

minutes 09.06.20

minutes 04.08.20